It has been 8 years since I was diagnosed with Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease). My blood tests were mostly normal and there were no real red flags. And yet, there I was: at the 98th percentile of calcification of my arteries for my age.
Once I was over the initial shock, I realized I was actually incredibly lucky. Cardiovascular disease accounts for more deaths (32%) than the next 4 biggest causes of death combined (all the cancers, respiratory disease, diabetes and dementia). According to Stanford Health, among South Asians, heart attacks are happening earlier (25% of heart attacks occur under age 40, and 50% occur under age 50) and with higher mortality rates (there is a 40% higher chance of mortality from heart attacks among South Asians than the average population).
It led to me making a lot of changes to my lifestyle (food, exercise, sleep) in ways that did not require me to give up eating and doing all the things I love. To ensure my changes were medically, scientifically and nutritionally sound, I worked very closely with a number of amazing clinicians, dietitians and exercise trainers.
I am sharing a few of the improvements I have seen in my health parameters through this journey to demonstrate how effective these changes have been while being quite simple to implement. Moving forward, I will share my learnings and observations on these interventions through my GeneClinicX Instagram account and on my LinkedIn account, that I hope can help those of you that are looking for sustainable and fun ways to stay or become healthy. Your feedback and questions are very welcome!
Indranil Sen: Nickhil Jakatdar Anuj Dua, very inspirational journey indeed. I have started my own fitness journey with Zoe- health ( in U.K.) and I am pretty pleased with my progress, though I have miles to cover more. I am somewhat restricted with exercises after an Achilles tendon injury early this year. I am committed to my goals and your posts are super inspiring and helps someone like me to be on track. Some of my hacks –
1. Time based fasting
2. Changing breakfast ( or lunch) starting with almonds, flax seeds and soaked beans.
3. Replaced fruit habits completely – to more of berries and citric fruits generally in the afternoon.
4. Manage portions, have macro carb – in just one meal a day.
5. Move away from scotch/ whisky to dry white wine And a few more… I will keep following your progresses and will DM mine as well.
Nickhil Jakatdar: Congrats on your progress Indranil and thanks for sharing.
Narendra Kale: Wow Nickhil This is a story of great triumph of what selective changes to lifestyle can make a World of difference. Kudos to your determination and the support from Sudnya Nickhil Jakatdar. Once again you have set an example. This is quite inspirational to all. Specifically what changes you made in diet that helped?
Nickhil Jakatdar: Thank you as always for your support Narendra. Sudnya’s support has been critical in implementing some of these changes. The woman of the house plays an important role in ensuring everyone else gets in line with the changes :)Arun Subhash: Nickhil Jakatdar that resting heart rate is 🔥 elite athlete levels !
Nickhil Jakatdar: Arun my stamina has gone up but not my skills 😀 My skills are more messy than Messi!
K.S. Prashant: That resting heart rate, wow!! Next time you are in Pune, a session exclusively on the process please.
Nickhil Jakatdar: Absolutely. Would love to do that. Let’s plan for early November if you are around.
Waman Mainkar: Nickhil Jakatdar one session in the Bay Area would be great too! 🙂